Mindfullness Meditation
“Mindfulness is learning to bring our attention to the present moment,
and observing what arises without judgement
Make it stand out.
“The most fundamental aggression to ourselves, the most fundamental harm we can do to ourselves, is to remain ignorant by not having the courage and the respect to look at ourselves honestly and gently.”
― Pema Chodron
More than just a Buzz Word
Certified through Dharma Moon and Tibet House, Remedy offers Mindfulness Meditation classes and 1 on 1 coaching. Mindfulness as a practice is non-religious, but has its roots in Buddhism dating back over 2,500 years. The lineage, or style of the practice offered at Remedy deeply encourages gentleness and self compassion in working with what on paper may seem like a simple practice, but can be deceptively difficult in our fast paced world.
Those who practice mindfulness have found that it can bring more mental stability, clarity and precision to our lives. The practice itself is like going to the gym for the mind, and can strengthen our ability to not get pulled into the “story” of our thoughts, and potentially allow us to be more 'present' in our daily lives.
Where there are many apps that offer guided meditation, working with a coach gives us the ability to focus specifically on our personal experience, and find ways to deepen our personal practice, and more effectively bring what we discover into our waking lives.

“If you are caught up in your story, it’s like living in a tiny apartment, with just enough room for you and your little mattress. The moment you get a little space between you and your thoughts, it’s like moving into a much bigger house, then there is room to invite people in.”
— David Nichtern